I'm Back Baby!!

After going 6 months without a studio space to work...

I am happy to report that I am back in a studio space. I’m currently with Studios By Alamo, so I’m working out of an office over at their Brownstone location, and shooting out of the Parish, a studio space located 2 blocks away from the Brownstone. A lot has gone into this decision. Ultimately it is my dream to have a space that I can setup a place to work on my computer, & shoot. In my opinion, that will come next year; however, after sitting on the sidelines for the past 6 months without a place to call home to my work, I jumped at the opportunity to move back in with Studios By Alamo. They really are a wonderful company, and in my 3+ years with them, I’ve never once had a problem. 

I know there was some confusion regarding my move in party over at the Parish this past weekend. Well, the truth is, I moved in during the pandemic, thinking that it was going to end much sooner than it actually did, and since I moved in during the pandemic, I was not able to throw a party back in 2020. Since I wasn’t able to throw the party then, I figured now was as good a time as ever. Also, I feel like I’ve met so many new folks in the photography community, back in 2020, I mostly kept to myself. Heck, I still keep to myself, but even so, I’ve met some great folks in the community and I wanted to show them the space, and hopefully be able to collaborate more with the community. Things will change when I have a large space all to myself. When I have a big space, I’m going to open my doors to everyone and make it a space for all to hang out, network, and create. Unfortunately, that day is not today, but one day. 

I will say, going 6 months without a place to create was quite illuminating. I think before that I took having the Parish for granted. I really didn’t use the space all that much, only for client work, but not really for anything other than that. This time, I intend to use the studio to create weekly. I’ve been so bad about Youtube as well. I made a video a couple of months back that did really well, hit over 1000 views. My goal is to put out a video a week, and to have a blog post that goes even further in depth than the video is able to. Gosh, I need to create a newsletter as well! There’s so much to do as an entrepreneur, I now see why companies have so many departments only doing one thing, it’s a lot to take on as an individual. I am blessed to have friends on this path as well, and to have such a loving partner like TJ who helps in innumerable ways. 

In addition to creating at the studio, I'd like to start teaching classes at the studio as well I'm thinking photography 101, studio lighting, how to shoot film, and to have other folks teach classes as well! Further, I'm considering opening a mini film lab, and developing & scanning primarily B&W film for the local folks. So many things in the works over at the studio! Stay tuned!

Event Photos

Photo Booth Fun